Button Coral (LPS)
The Button Coral is a LPS coral and orginated from Australia and Indonesia. Other Common names for the Button Coral include Cat's Eye Cynarina Coral, Meat Polyp Coral, Tooth Coral, Flat Brain Coral, Knob Coral and Teary Eye Coral.
The Button Coral is best placed toward the bottom of a reef aquarium with low water flow, since strong water current can limit its full stretching. It also requires low to moderate lighting as it may not open up fully if the intensity of the light is too high. Make sure you keep some distance between this coral and other corals since it can double its size and would need enough space to grow. The Button Coral would make a great addition to any tank since its very hardy and easy to maintain, Its an excellent Coral for beginners!
The Button Coral Derives most of its nutrition through photosynthesis. Its nocturnal in feeding habit and will also filter feed a few times per week on marine foods suck as meaty bits of raw shrimp, Mysis shrimp, and zooplankton. Adding Calcium and trace elements to the water is important to help this coral grow.
- SCIENTIFIC NAME: Cynarina lacrymalis
- DIET: Phytoplankton, Meaty foods
- LIGHTING: Moderate
- PLACEMENT: Bottom Half
- TEMPERATURE: 72 - 78 Degrees F
- PH: 8.2 - 8.4
- SG: 1.022 - 1.025
- DKH: 8 - 12
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