Thursday, November 1, 2018

What is that? Its a Stomatella Snail

The Stomatella Snail 

What is That? The first thing that you say when you see one of these strange looking snails. 

The Stomatella snails are extremely Beneficial to a Reef Tank, and make a great part of the clean up crew. These snails are often hard to find any information about unless you know their name, and to many reefer, this is the first they are even hearing of them, or they happen to come across this post because they are desperately searching for what these guys are. They are sometimes searched using the phrase "snail that looks like lost his shell", "Slug with a small shell", or even Snail with a half or missing shell".

The Stomatella Snail are herbivores that love to eat algae and micro algae. They are very fast moving snails and are often found at night along the rock work in your reef aquarium. 

They do reproduce, buy not at an alarming rate, and will not harm your tank or its inhabitants. The three and six line wrasse will eat stomatella snails, so be sure to keep them safe if you see them. They will drop a part of their body to help get away and hide from predators.