Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Pod Condo by Barr Aquatics

The New Pod Condo from Barr Aquatic Systems

Barr Aquatics recently came out with this little 3x3 inch Pod Condo, and I just had to get one for my self, Copepods and Amphipods are hard enough to find and transfer from the sump or breeder tank to your display tank, so they created this little guy to make transferring copepods and amphipods easy. Its unique design makes living easy for copepods, giving them 5 levels of a maze like pattern to live and bread in. When you need to transfer pods from one tank to another, simply take the little condo out and place it in the other tank, let it sit for a bit and the little guys will come out and flood your tank with new copepod life!! The Pod condo's are a must have for any marine hobbyist and are sure to make a splash in the marine hobby world!!

The Pod condo is a new addition to the POD world.  It's a place where Amphipods and Copepods can safely congregate, throw parties and hang out, without having to worry about predators.  Each condo unit contains 40 individual serpentine condos, all connected to the central atrium.  A total of about two feet of linear space, or about 40 square inches (281 cm) of space is provided for our little friends.

The central atrium serves another purpose though. Cover the hole with your thumb and move the condo to the display tank, then us a baster to blast water in the central hole. all the ne'er-do-well slacker pods that are hanging around the condo will be blasted out in to the tank, to make tasty treats for your fish! Replace the condo in your sump, and let the new tenants move in.

Each unit has about 4 oz of PETG, and measures about 3x3. Available standard in translucent blue, and other colors via special request.

These cool condos are only $24 and well worth the money, and they come in translucent green, translucent blue, translucent red, black, yellow, purple and bubblegum pink!! Get yours at Barr Aquatic Systems

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