The Bubble Coral is a LPS Coral, Physogyra sp.
Other names include... Bubble Pearl Coral, Pearl Grape Coral, Small Bubble Coral, and Pearleye.
Placement of The Bubble Coral is best on the bottom half of the tank, with low to mild water flow and moderate lighting. Make sure you keep some distance between this and other corals because it tends to be aggressive and may sting other corals if nearby. The Bubble Coral may sting aquarist as well if it is disturbed while its tentacles are open so be careful when handling it. This coral requires careful handling and is only recommended for intermediate or expert aquarist.
- SCIENTIFIC NAME: Physogyra sp.
- TEMPERAMENT: Aggressive
- DIET: Phytoplankton, zooplankton, Meaty foods
- LIGHTING: Moderate
- WATER FLOW: Low to Moderate
- PLACEMENT: Bottom half
- TEMPERATURE: 72 - 78 Degrees F
- PH 8.2 - 8.4
- SG: 1.022 - 1.025
- DKH: 8 - 12
Check out Eric's Marine Life On YouTube for educational Videos about the Saltwater Hobby!!
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